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    Pregnancy and babyhood: discover the benefits of your statutory health insurance!

    Comprehensive preventive check-ups

    In good hands right from the start: Your statutory health insurance provider will support you with a comprehensive program of prenatal check-ups. These range from regular ultrasound examinations to special blood tests to ensure that you and your baby are doing well. Use these services to carefully monitor the progress of your pregnancy.

    Birth preparation courses with a partner – ready for the big event?

    A birth is a unique event, and the right preparation can help to reduce uncertainty. Many statutory health insurance companies cover the costs of antenatal classes where you receive important information and practical tips about the birth. It is often also possible for the partner to take part.

    Your personal companion: midwife care before and after the birth

    From the first week of pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding – midwives are valuable companions. Your health insurance will cover the costs of care provided by a midwife who will give you individual advice, support you during the birth and also be there for you afterwards. Even after the birth of your baby, you can benefit from various courses that are supported by your health insurance. These include, for example, postnatal courses that help you to strengthen your body after pregnancy, as well as courses on baby care or first aid for children.

    Bonus programs for the whole family

    Many health insurance companies offer special bonus programs that reward health-conscious behavior. This includes attending check-ups for your baby or vaccinations. Find out about the offers from your health insurance fund and secure attractive rewards for you and your children.

    Are you ready to take full advantage of your statutory health insurance during and after your pregnancy? Find out now about the specific services and programs that will benefit you and your baby. Your health insurance company is a strong partner on the way to a new family life!


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    Ready to optimize your health?

    The easiest way is to find the best health insurance company for you.